Star Trek: Armada 2 Dynamic music demo & BSG mini mod

Box art for Dynamic music demo & BSG mini mod For: Star Trek: Armada 2
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This is a slightly updated version of the dynamic music mini mod /BSG mini mod I released as part of the last competition. The substantial difference is that I figured out what was causing it to crash under version 1.1, and rectified the problem so this now works with the patch. I must confess to a couple of minor gameplay tweaks (repair rates changed) however it still plays more or less as before.

However, that said its intended as a demonstration of dynamic music first and foremost, the fact that it demonstrates a different gameplay style was a secondary thing, as is the replacement menu GUI etc. Its not incredibly playable against a AI, as it was designed for human vs human gameplay. I have considered finishing the idea off by including a ragtag fleet to resupply and repair Galactica which need to be defended, plus vipers and a resurrection ship and raiders for the cylons however there hasn't been a huge amount of interest, and i'm busy with other things. If enough people are interested then I might finish this of later, otherwise this is probably it.

The intended gameplay is basicially what Iosys came up with back in 2007 here:-

I liked the idea at the time, but he never did release his version. Its basically the same gameplay as he imagined, the colonials have one very strong ship (ie, galactica) and the cylons have three basestars that are about 40% as powerful as the mighty Battlestar. As a result, if they can gang up on you with two or three basestars you going to feel it, however you can win a 1v1 fight and possibly a 2v1 however your going to be seriously damaged which is going to force you to run, avoiding the cylons until you can repair your ship enough to be sure you can win an engagement.

Its harder to win against the AI than against a human as the AI doesn't tend to split its ships up enough very often to sneak in and kill one without resorting to a FTL jump on top of one. You then have to worry about recharging your FTL and jumping away before the other cylon ships turn up with blood in their eye.

Can you beat the odds?
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