Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Realm of Magyk TC MP Demo

Box art for Realm of Magyk TC MP Demo For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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[i]First of all I must apologise to the author for the delay in uploading this file, its been a busy couple of weeks for me and we have been having some staffing issues so the file queue has piled up a bit![/i]

I’m not really a fan of Fantasy myself, though I can certainly see its appeal I have always been a Sci-Fi man at heart. That said I’m certainly not averse to some Fantasy themed JKA mods! And here we have just that; the interestingly named Realm of Magyk is a total conversion mod which aims to bring some Fantasy elements into JKA. What we have here is just the multiplayer demo, so I am sure the full mod while have a much wider scope than this, but still this is a pretty cool mod on it own!

First off we have a nice new menu screen, which cleverly imitates the default menu with its scrolling text and lightsaber noises by replacing them with scrolling text on a literal scroll textured background and that lovely metallic sound of a sword being sheathed/unsheathed just like the lightsaber activation/deactivation noises in the default menu, it even has a little sword cursor instead of the lightsaber one! Speaking of swords, there are also some sword models included in the package and Inyri Forge\'s excellent Crossbow mod for added authenticity! Along with that theme there is also a re skinned reborn in chain mail armour from CID\'s Medieval Knights Reborn Replacement mod, which again just goes to show that even the much maligned Reborn can look cool again if given the right treatment!

Then there are a couple of new maps, a duel map which is in a fairly clean and simple Medieval styled brick and wood building, and a larger FFA map which is modelled after an RPG type town with various buildings to go in and explore. There are also some long open fields south of the town where you can ride Taun Taun\'s... ok ok, so maybe that isn’t that authentic then, but nobody has to my knowledge ever made an actual horse mount (though there has been something close). This map is one area that does need quite a lot more work though, especially in the architecture/detailing and layout department. The buildings are too blocky and don’t really look like the kind of thatched wooden framed houses and other types of stone buildings that you would expect to find in such a town or village. There also needs to be a clearer layout, perhaps a town square surrounded by shops or houses and more defined streets.

As for other improvements, I would suggest, if possible (I’m not familiar with the aspects of modding the menus) that you try and change the menu buttons and text to be more in line with the black and grey title banner at the top of the main menu, as the blue buttons stick out against the scroll textured background and the yellow letters are also quite difficult to make out at times against that background.

All in all though I think this is a solid idea for a mod/total conversion and I look forward to seeing how the mod evolves and progresses, though as I said I think that the mapping side of things needs some more work in order to keep up with the grand scope of such a mod. Keep up the good work man, I hope to see more from you and this mod soon! :)

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