4 Corners map

Box art for 4 Corners map For: Star Trek: Armada 2
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This map is seperated into four sections, with relatively sparse resources and the wormholes terminating in the middle of a walled in blue nebula. (which is a bad idea, marine ships can really hurt in these situations, and its quite hard to prevent latinum filled freighters being shoved strait onto your base\'s defences) It attempts to keep each side on an equal footing, but it dosen\'t quite manage it.

Just to pick a couple of observations out of the air the top left corner has its dilithium moon within easy weapons range of ships exiting the wormhole, whilst the bottom right corner enjoys some quite considerable seperation in addition to having its best approach in between a red nebula, which you don\'t want to fly a fleet through and the gravity well of an \"M\" class planet on the otherside. That would make a fun ambush! Hopefully balancing problems like this will be fixed in a future version.

This map also requires the included blue background. The problem with including new backgrounds instead of replacing old ones is the potential for problems that they cause when you download a map ingame. Because it dosen\'t transfer the dependancies you can have problems if you download it without the background.
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