Abregado-Rae: Venezia

Box art for Abregado-Rae: Venezia For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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Bobfinkl\'s \"Abregado-Rae: Venezia\" does a favor to many of those who decide \"Hey, I\'m going to make a city. I know - [i]Naboo assets[/i]!\" It does them a favor because it shows them how it can be done right.

Now, don\'t count that as a point in the favor of using Naboo assets to make a city. By and large, it\'s usually done poorly, and it doesn\'t allow the city to stand out from normal Naboo. In fact, this map appears to make one of the same mistakes a lot of Naboo-esque maps have - it has buildings that don\'t look substantially different in terms of texture.

However, what it doesn\'t do with the textures it does do well in terms of design. The author has made a very \"Venice\" feel to the city (which is no doubt intentional, given the title), and in many ways I feel it would be better if the map were simply called \"Naboo: Something Something,\" since Naboo uses the same environmental aesthetic. The map reminds me a lot of an [url=http://starwarsbattlefront.filefront.com/file/Virmund_City;98106]earlier map[/url] that also did Naboo props well, and I think that this map has a little better design, but could use some of the limestone-type textures the other map used.

All in all, the map plays well and has a well-polished environment, as this author usually has. If you like what you see below, go ahead and give the map a try.

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