Ages of Star Wars Music Files

Box art for Ages of Star Wars Music Files For: Empire at War
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A fan of the Ages of Star Wars mod for Empire at War has kindly uploaded the music files that go with AoSW's 2.0 release found here:;80215

Ever since the Ages of Star Wars forums went down some time ago, players were left without a way to get these music files, but now, thanks to this user, we can all enjoy the mod as intended.

These are the music files for the Ages of Star Wars Jedi Civil War mod. Ages of Star Wars Jedi Civil War and all its files are for the original Star Wars: Empire at War game. Please give full credit to the Ages of Star Wars Team for their work. I am not affiliated with the team in any way. I'm simply submitting the files. If I get credit for submitting the work that is fine, if not that is fine too. In my opinion
this great work should be enjoyed by AOSW and KOTOR Era fans. Like I said before these music files can be used with any version of Ages of Star Wars, not just the 2.0.[/quote]
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