am yavin duel

Box art for am yavin duel For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Making a map to teach mapping students is a nice thing to do. In fact, it\'d be great... if this map was an accurate representation of what an intermediate map should be. I\'m not saying it\'s bad, I\'m just saying there are some pretty big discrepancies which I wouldn\'t expect from a mapper of AngelMapper\'s caliber, which is why this map disappoints me slightly.

Let me explain why to start with, so I don\'t get any funny faces. The first thing I noticed when I tested out this map was the very bright light pouring in from the window openings. The [i]next[/i] thing I noticed was the night-time skybox. See where I\'m going with this? I\'m confused where all that light is coming from, to be honest. And the rest of the lighting in this map is a bit odd. It just seems a bit too well-lit for having only torch light and moonlight. Either that or that amazingly bright light from the sun that\'s not out is throwing me way off in the lighting department.

As far as brushwork is concerned this is indeed an intermediate kind of style, so I can see where he was coming from when he said it was meant as a demonstration map. Architecture and texturing are solid, although it still seems quite boxy, but that again ties in with the demonstration nature of the map. I was a little annoyed that you could fall out of the \'windows\', which normally I wouldn\'t mind, but you can see under the map if you \'fall\' out the window, which I\'m sure wasn\'t intentional.

One of the coolest aspects of this map is the duel \'ring\', which is really a square, but I couldn\'t think of a better thing to call it. You can either duel right there, with some spectators maybe, or you can hit the button by the windows and send the dueling area down to the bottom of a pit for some... inescapable action. A very neat feature that really adds a second dimension to this map. So as a duel map, it\'s got great potential. It\'s also available for FFA which, in my opinion, it\'s not really suited for, but some people will invariably enjoy it that way so I see it as a \'why not\' situation. Overall solid, but needs some tweaks in the realism department.

[b]Bot Support[/b]: No
[b]New Models[/b]: No
[b]New Textures[/b]: Yes
[b]New Music[/b]: No
[b]Game Modes[/b]: FFA, duel

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