Ancient Stargate

Box art for Ancient Stargate For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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Developer [b]LocutusOfBorg[/b] isn't one to churn out map after map in a frenzy, but boy do his maps rock when he does release them. This is the [b]Ancient Stargate[/b] map which includes two interesting and ancient planets that you can travel to through a titular Milky-way Stargate (from [i]Stargate SG-1[/i]).

What makes this map particually exciting is the fact that the Stargate can be activated and deactivated using the DHD rather than just being permanantly open, and this comes complete with correct sounds and the infamous opening kawoosh (which sounds terrible and is all wrong, and doesn't kill you, but is fantastic all the same)! For me, the most interesting and fun side of the gate is the alien planet island, with its fantastic skybox and lots to explore... a small village (with dynamic-like lighting and a well), a forest and even a moat-lake surrounding a mountain. The "Earth" side is set in Egypt in a Pyramid, presumably during Ra's reign of the planet. There are two secrets in the map, one on each world, so get exploring to find them both! ;)

This map would be great fun in holomatch and even RPG-X (like I said: good alien planet), so get downloading [i]now[/i]!

~ Luke20 ("The Tenth Doctor").
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