
Box art for Android For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Note to Public: The last thing you want to do is harass us on Xfire asking about when your file\'s going to be taken care of. That will just earn you scorn and revocation of porn.

Now then, Suibuku has decided to make a skin of the prisoner model, probably the secondmost reskinned model in JA next to Reborns. Prisoner man has become some kind of knight-ish looking android, sporting an undersuit with metal plating all over...and a metal head. On closer inspection, it appears that there are some darker metals present, but from afar it\'s really difficult to see.

In terms of texture and conceptual quality, pretty damn good, though I must confess I\'m a little confused by the concept. An android is basically a machine in the form of a man, but this skin doesn\'t seem to be fully metal, or seems to be...wearing armor? It\'s really hard to say what\'s going on here because of the uneven distribution of plating on the legs or the metal head. Part of me wanted to be like \"CYBORG!\" but then I\'d look like an idjit :( ...more so than usual.

Team skins are kinda murky, but they get the job done. Thankfully this thing has shopped reborn sounds so you can at least enjoy metallic sounds emitting from your android as he...does things.

A\'right, nuffa this. Go play.

Bot Support:Aye
NPC Support:Nay
New Sounds:Aye
Team Support:Aye

- Averus Retruthan
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