Assualt in the mountains

Box art for Assualt in the mountains For: Empire at War
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I think the author is quite correct, this is quite good for a first map.

It's just some little things that need to be fixed:
The mountainous terrain that divides the map is too tall in parts and doesn't fit with the rest of the terrain. Make it a little shorter.
There needs to be more mountainous terrain around the map, especially at the edges.
Vary up the textures, the northern base is especially boring.
The water can be fixed by changing it's color from white (clear) to blue, or green, or whatever, and toying with the Opacity and Fallback Opacity. If you set them both to 1.00 you can barely see through. Find a happy medium that you're happy with and use it. I'm sure some other mappers will share with you also. There's a wealth of knowledge out there.

This is my first map, it's set on Kashyyyk. The Empire has set up a partnership with the trandoshans, to enslave Wookies for thier new battlestation, the death star 2. A Rebellion transport has snuck in under the defence grid, and set up a base. I think this is quite good for a first map, but that's the author talking, so download and find out for yourself!

Looking forward to more,
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