Atlas Loot Enchanced

Box art for Atlas Loot Enchanced For: World of Warcraft
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AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game. It can access full item tooltips, show drop rates, allow items to be chat linked and to use the dressing room. Atlasloot can be used as a stand-alone browser without a host mod or integrated in any map mod (works at the moment with Atlas and AlphaMap.)

Accessed by right-clicking the AtlasLoot minimap button or from the 'Options' button available on any AtlasLoot interface.
* Show Minimap Button: Adds the Atlasloot icon to the Minimap.
* Hide Atlasloot Panel: Removes the Atlasloot Panel from the main Atlas window.
* Safe Chat Links: Can only link items without the (Item Unavailable) tag. Slight chance of disconnect if you have an item in your local cache the server has not seen for a while, but unlikely.
* Enable all Chat Links (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK): Strong chance of disconnects, especially on items your server hasn't seen yet.
* AutoQuery items on loot tables (Disconnection risk): Atlasloot will automaticly query the server for all items on any loot table opened. Chance of disconnects.
* Supress text spam when querying items: This option disables the text, that is shown in your chat window, when you query the server for an item.
* Enhanced Tooltips: If you have Lootlink or ItemSync installed, you can use tooltips generated by them instead of the default tooltip. I recommend the Lootlink tooltips, they handle data not in your local cache well. If an item has (no iteminfo) after it you can only get the tooltip via Lootlink or ItemSync. Be careful with ItemSync, it is unstable on items not seen on your server (just the way ItemSync is).
* Show itemIDs at all times: Adds the itemID to the item tooltip.
* Show Comparison Tooltips: If you have EquipCompare installed it will use it, if not it uses the default Blizzard stuff.
* Notify me when a LoD Module is loaded: [something]
* Load all loot modules at startup: Atlasloot contains several modules. With this option enabled all of the modules, that you have installed, are loaded at startup.
* Make Loot Table Opaque: Makes the loot table background black so you can't see the map underneath.

Slash Commands:

* '/al' or '/atlasloot' by itself brings up the loot browser.
* '/atlasloot options' brings up the options menu.
* '/atlasloot reset' resets the last viewed loot table (fixes disconnects when opening AtlasLoot) and moves all draggable frames back to the middle of the screen.
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