BasOr 2 (Light), download BasOr 2 (Light) free, free BasOr 2 (Light) map download, free download of BasOr 2 (Light) map for Return To Castle Wolfenstein, Return To Castle Wolfenstein free map BasOr 2 (Light) download, download for free BasOr 2 (Light) Return To Castle Wolfenstein, free download full map BasOr 2 (Light), direct download link BasOr 2 (Light), download BasOr 2 (Light) level
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Description Installing/Uninstalling the map:
After downloading the PK3 file, place it into the "Return To Castle Wolfeinstein/main/" directory. Delete any previous mp_the_betabasOr files you might have, which can cause error in loading the maps. To uninstall sHere is the light version of ZyCrone's popular and action packed multiplayer map BasOr2; This version is smaller then the original, but still contains all of the Wolf goodness to enhance your gaming experience!