(BEAST) Fort WarsChaos

Box art for (BEAST) Fort WarsChaos For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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[quote]Its a Beta Map with really RaNdOm Objects I haven't worked on it a long time at all[/quote]

[i]And that... is why you fail.[/i]

Yoda quotes aside, this is Crissangel's (BEAST) Fort Wars/Chaos. There don't seem to be any forts, however.

This map suffers from the same problems that almost every first map has: the default sky, default Command Posts, and very flat ground. There is some height variation, but it's very jagged an unnatural looking. Also, there is on extra Command Post, but it doesn't have a spawn path or capture region, and therefore serves only as a useless AI magnet.

The terrain is bright green to the point that it hurts the eye to look at it for too long. None of the objects have textures, and many of them are floating or poorly placed. There is no AI planning or barriers to speak of, so the bots will get stuck on the objects and terrain. That's all there is to this map in the end.

To the author, and any other beginner mappers out there: Please, please, [i]please[/i], spend more time on your maps. We don't like having to review rushed/ untested maps like these, and I'm sure no one enjoys playing them. Also, we'd [i]really[/i] appreciate it if you could include your own screenshots.

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