Belayas New Look

Box art for Belayas New Look For: Knights of the Old Republic
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I'm sure it's become one of the biggest little annoyances after your 100th+ play-through - all the NPCs that have the same face. It's not as bad with some characters, but can get terribly annoying if you talk to that character several times.

Jedi Raven makes his mod debut with a nifty new face (based on one of the female PC faces) for Belaya - the Jedi famous for berating you on your attire upon arrival and for being Juhani's girlfriend. If you're not one of Juhani's fans and kill the wayward Cathar...well, when you see Belaya on Korriban, she has a nasty new appearance befitting her new Sith ties. If you fight her - look out. Jedi Ravan has amped up her stats to make her akin to a decent-level boss. So, you'll get a rather good fight if you decide to break up the angsty couple.

So, folks, let's give a big hand to Jedi Raven for his hard work, install this mod to your override, and have at least one less "stock appearance" character running about your game.

As always, feedback is the only payment amateur and fan crafters - fan writers,artists, modders - receive. So, please, be generous with the roses and onions to help this fellow make more mods and more complex mods in the future!

- Allronix
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