BFME2 2.5 Mod

Box art for BFME2 2.5 Mod For: Battle for Middle Earth 2
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Battle for Middle Earth 2.5
Version 2.1.5

My mod isnt a total conversion, its move of a exspansion pack, its half way to what could be bfme3 hence the name bfme2.5 .
These first 2 versions add bits and peices, but my next version will start adding factions, so be sure to keep an eye open for them.

Copy the bfme2.5.big into
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Tom\\Application Data\\My Battle for Middle-earth(tm) II Files
(note this may be hidden)
Run the sortcut.

Please note if you installed battle for middle earth 2 somewhere diferent to the default path
\"C:\\Program Files\\Electronic Arts\\The Battle for Middle-earth (tm) II\"
you will have to open properties of the shortcut, and change the start it box to where you installed, for example it might look like this
\"E:\\Games\\Battle for middle earth 2\"

Then change the the first part of the target box
(\"C:\\Program Files\\Electronic Arts\\The Battle for Middle-earth (tm) II\")
To where you installed bfme2. So it would look like this
\"E:\\Games\\Battle for middle earth 2\" -mod bfme2.5.big

just make sure you dont remove the command at the end.


version 2.1.5
button and portrait images added to gothmog, damrod and gamling.
Gothmog armor and attack while mounted fixed.
Rohan armory upgrades fixed
elven reskin pack removed (look worse then originals)

version 2.1
New Building Dragon Lair
3 Dragon\'s can be built from dragon lair
Drakes built from Dragon lair
New Hero Balrog
Drogoth built from dragon lair
Dragon lair now has experience levels

nazgul all mount fell beasts and horses
gothmog can mount and dismount warg
gothmog carnage and cripple power\'s removed, new power stubbon pride
8 nazgul availble (and witch king)
Grond availble

New Building, Dunland Tent
Wild men availible from Dunland Tent
all new buildings have experience levels

3 Hunters avaible (aragorn, Legolas and gimli)
Tom Bombidil Avaible

New Building Hobbit Barracks
Hobbit sherrifs avaible from hobbit barracks
New hero\'s frodo, sam, merry and pippin built from hobbit built from hobbit barracks
Celeborn bugs fixed
New Unit Elven warriors
New hero Gwaihirall
new buildings have experience levels

Ranger tent uses right model in snow
upgrade problems fixed
All new buildings have
all new buildings have experience levels
New Building Rohan Archery Range
New Building Rohan Armory
New Building Rohan Stable
New Building Rohan Well
New Building Rohan Statue
New Building Ranger Tent
Dunedain avaible form ranger tent
ithilian rangers avaible from ranger tent
New hero Damrod
New Hero Gamling
New Unit Rohan Peasants
New Unit Rohan Archers
New Unit Rohan Fighters
New Unit Rohan Builder
New unit Oath Breaker cavalry
Rohan Well and statue radius\'s now fixed
damrod now has a button image
Gondor fighters, archers, and towerguards all have new skins

More Team colours
New war of the ring mod, the 3rd age
New create a hero weapon, for motw class

Credits and thanks
Sorry if missed someone out, ill be surprised if i have though

Valandil- gondor soldiers, gondor archers, towerguard, damrod skins
The 3rd age- the hole modding comunity is always very helpful, and i allways go there for help, so i give my thanks.
Rohadhrim & Wheezy- they made the ingame loading screens bettween them, whoozy did the world builder bit and Rohadhrim did the writing.

Beta testers
King Duku

if u have any problems, surgestions, idears, bug reports or balence issues please head over to my forums, where your also find the latest news on whats to come in my mod.
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