
Box art for BindPad For: World of Warcraft
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1. WHAT IS \"BindPad\"?

BindPad is an addon to make KeyBindings for spells, items, and macros.
You no longer need actionbar slots just to make Key bindings for your macores etc.

BindPad addon provides many icon slots in its frame. You can drag and drop
anything into one of these slots, and click the slot to set KeyBindings.

2. HOW TO USE \"BindPad\"?

(1) Type /bindpad or /bp to display BindPad frame.
(Also you can find \"Toggle BindPad\" Keybinding command in standard
KeyBindings frame of Blizzard-UI.)

(2) Open spellbook frame (p), you bag (b), or Macro Panel (/macro).
(Also you can use three mini-icons on BindPad frame to open these windows.)

(3) Drag an spell icon, item icon, or macro icon using left button drag and
drop it onto the BindPad window.
(Maybe you need shift key left button drag if action bars are locked.)

(4) Now you see the icon placed on BindPad frame. Click it,
and a dialog window \"Press a key to bind\" will appear.

(5) Type a key to bind. And click \'Close\' button.

(6) When you want to remove icons from BindPad frame, simply drag away the icon
and press right click to delete it.

Note that KeyBinding itself will not be unbinded when you delete the icon.
To unbind it, click the icon and click Unbind button on the dialog window.
Also you can simply override Keybindings.


There are four tabs on BindPad frame; \'General Slots\', \' Specific Slots\',
\'2\' and \'3\'. (aka. 2nd and 3rd specific slots)
Any icons placed on \'General Slots\' are for all characters of your account.
Those on \' Specific Slots\' are for that specific character only.

Note that you can use \' Specific Slots\' tab only after you click
\'Character Specific Key Bindings\' check box at standard KeyBindings frame of Blizzard-UI.

From BindPad version 1.5, you can see this checkbox on BindPad window itself too.
(Also BindPad will inform you about \'Character Specific Key Bindings\' and automatically
activate it for you when you click \' Specific Slots\' tab.)

4. \"You want to convert this icon into a BINDPAD MACRO?\"... What?

\"BindPad Macro\" is a new feature from BidPad version 1.8.0 ;
which allow you to make almost unlimited number of virtual macro icons.

Older versions of BindPad just let you save your limited action bar slots.
This new BindPad will let you save your limited macro slots on the standard
\"Create Macro\" panel.

- Click the small red \" \" icon to create an empty BindPad Macro.
- Right-click an existing spell/item/macro icon on BindPad to convert it into a BindPad Macro.
- Right-click the \"BindPad Macro\" to edit macro-text.
- ...and you can use left-click to set keybindings as usual.

Note that BindPad Macro will only exist within the BindPad frame;
You can drag-and-drop them within BindPad, but you cannot drop them outside.


BindPad addon utilizes new functions added from WoW API 2.0 .

You can use these functions (and many others) in any addons or macros.

SetBindingSpell(\"KEY\", \"Spell Name\")
SetBindingItem(\"KEY\", \"itemname\")
SetBindingMacro(\"KEY\", \"macroname\"|macroid)

Just don\'t forget to save changes by
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