
Box art for Blitzkrieg For: Company of Heroes
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(Description by developer)

[quote]The central point of my mod is the introduction of tank crews who gain experience that is used for tank enhancements like new features etc. So the crews gets VET and not the tank. If a crew survives a tank kill and you get them home you can simply reassign it to a new tank, so no gained combat experience is lost. There are many other features that I added, for expample a realistic wapon damage system I made. It´s the same system that is used in the actual BotB mod with my permission (Greetings to Halftrack). Here are the summarised main features of my mod:

New features:
- techtrees enhanced from 6 to 16 upgrades using 30 command points for more tactical diversity.
- many new abilities from the new techtrees, specialised to give each tree a unique character
- tanks now have to be unlocked via techtrees depending on the players gained experience. The previous tank tech up system was removed!

Techtree independent changes:

- PE flakvierling now build in emplacement
- Allied howitzer now build in emplacement
- Kingtiger no more buildable and limited to axis terror and pe tankdestroyer trees
- in exchange to the new KT limitations the KT's KwK 43 main gun range was increased
- new lFH18 modell from ToV axis SP campaign for axis defensive tree
- increased ranges for all AT-guns to give them more importance
- all AT-guns now have the ability “camouflage”
- AT-guns no longer have to be in cover to use “camouflage”, it takes 10 seconds to cloak, it gets visible after thesecond shoot in a row and camouflages again after ceasing fire
- haystack now holds a sniper
- US, PE and WM AT-squads now have the ability “ambush”
- “Ambush” now usable in buildings
- CW officers got binoculars ability
- costs of Sappers decreased to 360 MP
- costs of Tommies decreased to 480 MP
- costs of WM Pioneers raised to 150 MP
- “Camouflage” doesn’t works on streets, in addition there is no movement possible while camouflaged
- PE now has a reworked Weapon-SS-Team available as Call–In at the Hauptsturmführer
- PE has a new building with all the infantry upgrades in it, buildable for 100 MP and some fuel
- PE Scorched Earth Infantry abilities rearranged
- PE Assault infantry and anti tank infantry now comes as a six men squad right out of the building, costs and upgrades reworked
- PE Airforce Krad lost “Camouflage”, instead automatically cloaks while standing still in cover
- PE Krad got “Binoculars”
- Tiger no longer buildable for all WM factions (depends on doctrine)
- Pz IV variant F no longer buildable for all WM and PE factions (depends on doctrine)
- M10 no longer buildable for all US factions (depends on company)
- M18 no longer buildable for all US factions (depends on company)
- WM 120 mm mortar moved to Terror doctrine only
- Churchill Avre moved from CW Royal Engineers to CW Artillery faction
- general PE Panther Call-In moved to PE Tankhunter doctrine
- general PE Tiger Call-In moved to PE Airforce doctrine
- general CW Sherman Call-In moved to CW Royal Engineer company
- no more upgrade necessary to unlock Stuka
- CP gathering rate decreased
- ability “Scorched Earth” moved from PE-Infantry to their light vehicles
- V1 and Calliope now actually do damage to units in trenches
- a much more realistic Weapon damage system (particularly the damage & penetration powers of tank guns)
- many new skins for infantry and tanks (and wrecks) also including many of my own made tank skins
- many new units for all factions
- modified Commander Trees
- new abilities
- new sounds
- recommended new maps included

more features:

- historical correct vehicle speeds
- more detailed tank descriptions (armament & armour)
- increased line of sight & weapon ranges
- increased zoom out
- removed team colours
- removed transparency effects

[b]Changes & bugfixes in v1.60[/b]

- Rangers can now throw their grenades in enemy territory
- Mortar Bunker of PE Scorched Earth Doctrine now has a 120 mm mortar instead of a 80 mm one
- Infantry is now better protected against small arms fire when in buildings
- The chance of hitting retreating infantry is reduced to 50%
- PE AT-Halftrack onyl availible for Tank-Hunter Doctrine
- Pak 38 new for Scorched Earth Doctrine
- Hellcat has no Deflection Damage anymore
- All low ressource points now increase popcap by 6 instead of 5
- All medium ressource points now increase popcap by 9 instead of 7
- All high ressource points now increase popcap by 11 instead of 9
- Control points increase popcap always by 9 (before it was between 5 to 9)
- Control point production rate increased from 4 to 8 Manpower
- Manpower Ressource limit changed from 3000 to 3600
- Low fuel ressource points now only give 4 instead of 5 fuel per minute
- Medium fuel ressource points now only give 9 instead of 11 fuel per minute
- High fuel ressource points now only give 14 instead of 16 fuel per minute
- All tanks, emplacements, AT guns (Paks) and a lot of vehicles now cost ca. 20-25% more Manpwoer and Popcap
- MGs and mortars (incl. emplacements and vehicles) cost ca. 40-60% more Manpower, also they cost between 15-25 ammo when built or upgraded (vehicles still only cost fuel)
- All MGs and mortars (incl. empalcements and vehicles) nearly cost twice as much popcap as before (for most of them: from 3 to 6 popcap)
- Bofors and Flakvierling manpower and popcap costs changed similar to MG emplacements
(still only cost additional fuel when build, no ammo)
- Tank commander popcap changed to 4 for all factions
- Call-In tanks now show the correct popcap values in the tooltip, this means an additional tank commander or Stosstrupp is now also calculated to the popcap
- Old "throw MK2-Grenade" ability of Commandos removed because the tree upgrade was changed and hence that ability could never be used
- SAS Paratroopers now also have the Gammon Bomb
- „Destroy point“ of SAS Paratroopers was overlapped by retreat to Glider, now fixed
- SAS Paratroopers and SS-Fallschirmjaegers now can reinforce by parachuting soldiers everywhere
- WM and US Sniper Buddy removed because those stupid bastards always tried to get into his weapons range (obviously this wasn't good for the Sniper)
- Snipers (all factions) Health drastically increased, manpower costs reduced from 340 to 300 and popcap reduced from 8 to 6. The Sniper should now be more attractive
- WM and US Scout manpower costs reduced from 200 to 160, popcap from 4 to 2
- Commando PIATs 2 soldiers team health drastically increased, costs increased from 150 to 200 MP, popcap increased from 2 to 4
- Starting resources changed. Now they fit the advantages of the factions. For example the PE get's less ammo, but more fuel, so they can build T2 directly, but loose the ability to get the G43 from the start with their 50 ammo
- Glider FHQ Call-In ability moved to another position so it isn't overlapped by the sprint ability anymore. Also the ability now can REALLY (we mean it this time!) only be used when inside a neutral building.
- Teamsize of Rifleman Call-In from the Ranger-Captain increased to 7 soldiers, costs increased from 250 to 300 Manpower
- Opel Blitz and GMC Truck costs slightly reduced
- Starting MG-emplacements, Bunkers and Flakvierlings now need 6 popcap each for all factions
- Popcap starting value changed from 30 to 50
- US Engineer received Supression corrected (they had got a x10 Supression multiplier, ouch!)
- WM Pionier and US Engineer Capture Rate decreased from x1 to x0,4
- WM Pioneer and US Engineer received Supression doubled (factor x2)
- WM Pioneer and US Engineer Health decreased from 50 to 45
- WM Pioneer and US Engineer Flame thrower upgrade costs decreased from 60 ammo to 45 ammo
- Panzerelite now can either build a sanitary HQ or a forward HQ in neutral buildings
- Jagdpanzer IV 48 now has a upgrade for sideskirts
- Wrong button of the 76 mm emplacement removed
- WM/US AT-Team now have K98k/Garand like the Pios/Engis (= no suicide melee attacks anymore)
- CW PIAT-Team has a Riflegrenade (with low accuracy) as standard weapon. With this weapon they should stay in cover.
- Track breaker should now work against ALL german tanks
- WM Panzerjaeger team now has voice samples
- Rifle Boys now have a stationary fire position, only in this position they still have their range of 80 but also a higher accuracy
- Virtory Ticker changed to: 600/1000/1400[/quote]

Have fun and enjoy ;)

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