Campaign map

Box art for Campaign map For: Sins of a Solar Empire
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This is unofficial Campaign scenario.
As TEC, You have to defend Core Worlds agaist Aliens and Outcasts.
They have large number of planets, trade ports on Core Worlds, but only one Capital ship.
As Vasari, You have just arrived to this sector and You have to conquer all indigenous species.
They have largest battle fleet, sightly more resources than TEC, but only two planets.
As Advent, You must revenge for your exile"
They have large number of research facilities, small combat fleet and few culture centers.

Known bug:
Races are predefined, so it can't be that (for example) you command Vasari starting forces as TEC and their building, researches etc. (only race portret can be diffrent),
but races are choosed randomly, this means that if you get Vasari (for example) start position, you will be Vasari even if you choosed TEC or Advent.
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