Cerea: Savage Hunt

Box art for Cerea: Savage Hunt For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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Cerea: Savage Hunt, a map by AgentSmith_27, is an interesting map set in the forests of Cerea, the planet where Ki-Adi-Mundi is from. The map pits elements of his species against a team of \"Savages\", which is basically just composed of reskinned tusken raiders and wampas.

The map is your standard forest- it has a lot of trees and rocks and logs, like most forests, and it also has a river. There are four control points- each on one side of the map, though the leftmost is set inside a base-like structure. The map is decent, if somewhat uninspired and bland. The extremely dark terrain is a bit too dark, though everything else in the map is lit enough to distinguish what it is. On a whole, the map\'s individual details are rather hard to pick out, as everything pretty much looks the same against a black background. That\'s not to say that it\'s bad- just that it is somewhat bland. It needs a little more color to be memorable.

Sides-wise, the matchup is a bit weird here- there are wampas and tusken raiders on one side, and Cereans on the other. The Cereans play much like a standard side, as there is a rifleman, heavy, sniper, and melee weapon user. There is also Ki-Adi-Mundi, who is unlockable after 10 kills. He makes the melee unit somewhat redundant, but it is somewhat useful as there are loads of units that only use melee in the map. In the \"base\" CP, there are some Geonosians and other units, which all use melee weapons. The base is somewhat annoying, since you get mobbed by the melee units. There is also a big ship-looking thing flying around outside, controlled by a hostile team, that shoots huge rockets at you and your teammates. It also can be an annoyance, since its rockets shake the entire screen when they land near you.

There are some easter eggs in the map as well, some of which you can see in the screenshots. They can actually assist you in the map, so it\'s advised that you go exploring for them for a bit. They\'re pretty easy to find, though.

In all, this map is pretty decent- it has some things that could definitely be worked on, but it has some good ideas and executes them well, so I advise checking it out if the screenshots interest you.

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