
Box art for cjD7ofppack For: Operation Flashpoint
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Alrighty , well now I can say I was expecting something like this since the Federation TOS pack ... Now we have some good old honor loving klingons to blow that nasty kirk and gang out of the sky like the pa 'tak they are!

And as the great General Chang quoted Shakespeare: "Cry woe, destruction, ruin, loss, decay;
The worst is death, and death will have his day."


[quote]D7 Klingon Cruiser and Federation Constellation Class pack

This pack has my completed Klingon D7 cruisers well as a few similar era designs along with Klingon men for TOS, TMP, and TNG. There is also Romulan TOS men and D7 with plasma torpedo, these units have era based weapons. There is also a Federation Constellation Class cruiser (like the Stargazer) Tmp era Federation men with phasers, a few federation support ships to serve as commerce, medical or research craft (basically retired TOS era units). They engage each other in flight when encountered, their engine glow, lights, and panels function with engine startup and other various features like damage received (all are in the game's programming). There is a read me and listing file with more specifics.[/quote]
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