Clan Mod

Box art for Clan Mod For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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This version is outdated. Please visit [url=""]The Mod Forums[/url] for information on the newest version!

Here's the newest version of Clan Mod! Since there's really no point in reviewing the entire thing all over again, I'm just going to post the change log, and the first review.

[quote]||==|| CHANGE LOG ||==||

==++ VERSION 1.04 (BETA) ++==
fixed backslash
fixed /scale, can now /scale (scale) or /scale (client) (scale)
fixed yellow DFA, more accurate now
fixed duel sounds
fixed melee duel
fixed grapple string now shows all the time
fixed buffer-overflow glitch
fixed /protect glitch
changed /admintele to /teleport or /tele
changed /grantadmin, can now /grantadmin (client) (level)
changed g_slowmoduelend, FFA is no longer included
changed powerduel icons now shrink if too many people are on
changed custom model used on grapple
changed scoreboard shows more then 20 people
changed cursor doesn't show on map load

==++ VERSION 1.03 (BETA) ++==
fixed a crash exploit (in most mods)
fixed a few small bugs & glitches
fixed /endduel
fixed MOTD
fixed /scale
fixed terminator & human duel over glitches
fixed chat protect + empower
fixed bryar pistol give back on duel over
fixed jetpack on change to empower glitch
fixed seeker drone takeaway after unterminator
added /freezemotd and !freezemotd
added jump to get out of emotes
added compatability with Visual Studio 2005
added terminators can now remove jetpacks
added gun_monk
added gun_slay
added cm_rolltypes
added cm_BotFakePings
added terminators now have force jump if g_forcePowerDisable allows
added monks (humans) now force jump if g_forcePowerDisable allows
added monks (humans) heal over time. 1 second = +1 hp
added +all and -all suffix commands to /terminator /empower /monk /silence /freeze /protect
added server cvars for the new -all and +all suffixes
added /help (COMMAND) option
changed /human to /monk
changed servers can now speak like normal people
changed autoprotect cannot be done on duelists
changed chat protection cannot be done in duels
changed monks and empowered cannot pick up weapons
changed made more bitrate calculators
changed made installer install to startmenu instead of desktop
changed makefile for linux to compile in Debug instead of Final
optimized duels, terminator, empower, monk

==++ VERSION 1.02 (BETA) ++==
added cm_enable_ledgegrab cvar
demigod'd people cant be push or pulled
forcekickflip made with more reliable times
players auto-scaled to 100 at duel begin
Fixed Yellow DFA JK2 style
Changed cm_jk2_style_yellow_dfa cvar to cm_JK2yellowDFA
fixed emote holstering sabers
fixed /slay without (client)
added emote bitrates
fixed wall runs
added /human
all languages added
fixed duels with weapons

==++ VERSION 1.01 (BETA) ++==
admin bitrates fixed
/RenameClan now has a custom saying
/Scale now has a custom saying
/AdminTele now has a custom saying
roar_ prefix changed to cm_
added +button12 to commands list
“Admin password incorrect” no longer announces
ClanPassword incorrect saying added
freeze_gun changed to gun_freeze
silence_gun changed to gun_silence
insult_gun changed to gun_insult
kick_gun changed to gun_kick
empower_gun changed to gun_empower
terminator_gun changed to gun_terminator
splat_gun changed to gun_splat
c_Clanpassword fixed
/splat fixed
added ledgegrab[/quote]

And for the old review:

[quote] Description:
Finally, we have a good administration mod that isn't JA+ or lugormod. Presenting, Clan Mod! The new, and improved Jedi Academy administration mod. For Clan Mod, the goal is security, and as such, it differs from those other mods slightly. I will first point out the things that this has fixed that JA+ doesn't have.

First off, it has flood protection on by default! Mind you, this is not the regular This means that nobody can make you crash by spamming you with messages. But, you can crash yourself. So have fun with that. There is also improved chat protection! This was actually one of the first things that I tested. While in JA+ you can kill someone who is in chat and has absorb, or another light side power, you cannot do that in this mod. Chat protection is much better in this mod. It even applies in duels! So no more chatkilling!

Then, there's the reworked grapple. Sure, it doesn't have it's own custom model, but it's much better. First off, there is actually an animation that is played when you throw the grapple ''hook''. And secondly, there's actually a rope sound that plays when you're throwing it! And, also, you would think that when you grapple onto someone that you would follow them, correct? In JA+, it doesn't do that. In Clan Mod, it does! Sure, there is no swinging like you're able to do in JA+, but that might come in a later release.

Moving onto the next thing, Admin! now, brace yourselves, there are five levels of admin. That's right, FIVE! And they're all customisable with a nifty bitvalue generator that is included with the mod. So yay, five levels of admin to use! I know that gives clans a little more freedom with admin, so you might like that facet of this mod. Now, there aren't as many admin commands as in JA+, but I can say that they are just a potent! First off is freeze, which literally freezes your character in mid-air! There are a few commands, such as scale, which let you change the size of your model! Hm, let me think...There is also splat, which in essence slaps you into the air and then you fall and die. There's a rather funny thing that goes along with this. If you put chat up, you bounce! But you can't do anything but bounce. Another commands is /lockname, which keeps a player from changing their name. There's silence, as well as /insultsilence, where if a player tries to speak, a random, pre-set, customizable message pops up instead. Quite funny, actually. There is a command to grant admin, as well. But as far as I could tell you're only able to grant the lowest level of admin.

There are emotes, but there aren't as many as in JA+, thankfully. The few that there are just taken from regualr Jedi Academy. Oh! One of the things that a lot of you people will LOVE is the auto chat color option. What does this mean, you ask? You set a color, and all your chat comes out in that color! And among other things in this mod, you have a black saber, which isn't really black, it has a white core and a black edge. I think it looks cool. There is also the pimp saber from the OJP project, which goes through all of the saber colors, which is cool. There is also RGB saber and character support!

Okay, now onto the actual clan part of the clan mod. So know how people always have their clan information in the message of the day? Well, this mod gives another outlet for that. There's a clan section for the mod, that takes up a spot on the menu bar. It contains the clans name, initials, recruiting status, whether they lame or not, as well as other information, so you can start putting different stuff in the message of the day! Also, now you don't have to wear those cumbersome clan tags! Clan mod has a slot just for your clan! So your name can go without the clan tags now! There's also a clan member login! However, there currently isn't clan tag protection, but we can look forward to it in the next version!

Am I done? No. There are now four, count them, FOUR, duel types. There is melee dueling, full force dueling, training duels, and regular duels. Melee duels are just what you think, melee duels, you get 200 health and your fists. Can anyone say: ''Boxing match?''. I'm sure you all know what a full force duel is. So I won't explain what that is. The next one is the training duel. You take no damage in this duel type. None. It's meant for training. But, you can end it whenever you want.

And now for the best part, this mod is server side! You don't need it to play on a server that has it! However, most of the things, such as the clan menu, you can't see without the add-on. And fortunately, It's included in the download! Both server and client versions for this mod are included in the download! And wait, that's not all! The Linux version is also included! I hope that this mod comes to replace JA+, or at least be put up onto many servers. I have had a couple of people come onto a server that I hosted, and they all liked the mod! I would just like to say that this is an excellent mod.

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