CloneWars Mod - Sounds and Effects

Box art for CloneWars Mod - Sounds and Effects For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Here we have an interesting file… one that isn’t really very easy to classify. It was for a mod, but isn’t a mod in itself, but it could still be used in a mod. Did that make any sense? :S

Basically what we have here is a great deal of the sound effects work produced by the Clone Wars mod team that has unfortunately disbanded due to inactivity. We have however been left which quite a large library of new sound effects here which include things like weapons fire, walking sounds, new spawning sounds, new health and shield pickup sounds and more. Third (AKA Bluestormtrooper) explains more about the ill-fated mod and the excellent work that has been released here in his readme. All the sounds that I listened to were good quality recordings and were made by people who obviously new something about the art of [url=]foley[/url] (the art of making such sound effects) and some of them sound as good as the base JKA sound effects I think!

A bonus is that this file also includes some .efx files to actually change the visual effects ingame!

It’s unfortunate for any mod to die, especially one that never saw a proper release, but unfortunately that happens. What is good though is that some of this mod team’s hard work has been preserved here for the rest of the community. Since this is not a mod in itself the file does not contain a .pk3, but rather all the individual sound files. Hopefully the people in the community will make good use of these new assets, just remember to properly credit the original authors for their hard work here!

Personally I would love to see these sounds taken and made into a proper sound effects mod, I think that would be a worthy use for this work and I’m sure people would enjoy it! So, if you fancy taking such a challenge up, then why not give this file a download? :)

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