COH Ultimate Realism Mod

Box art for COH Ultimate Realism Mod For: Company of Heroes
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Have a real combat experience with COH Ultimate Realism Mod.
This mod changes almost all weapons damage and acurracy, making units die quicker in a very realistic way.
It adds some skins to by cunhaBR and KMOD.
It makes, M26 Pershing, Tiger Ace, StuH 42, Rangers, Paratroopers, Stormtroopers buildable.
It adds several new units:
*Sherman 105mm gun - Upgraded version of the Sherman with a real strong gun and armor.
*Italian Blackcoats - Untrained troops, armed with Pioneer's MP40s, they do little damage but comes in packs of 12.
*Bazooka Operative - Soldier armed with a M1 Bazooka, very strong against armored units.
*Panzerschreck Soldier - Soldier armed with a Panzerschreck =
*G.E.A.O - German Elite Assault Operative - A, armored soldier with a large quantity of hitpoints, armed with a MG42, he
can easly crush infantry.
Almost all infantry units from both sides come with lots of upgrades. Making a very cool customization system for infantry.
Explosion radius have been changed for a more realistic combat experience.
Prices for almost all units changed
Hitpoints for almost all units changed
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