CP Trainsurfer

Box art for CP Trainsurfer For: Team Fortress 2
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The premise is based on the fact that quite a few people have mentioned they like riding on the train on roundhouse (which was a very short distance for riding), so i came up with a map that can take better advantage of train riding.

[b]likely tactics:[/b]

[*] [b]2ndary CP areas/spawn:[/b]
many people will use the elevations here to hop onto the train as it goes past, allowing super-quick access the the center. there is cover at the far end between two pillars for a sentry to hide. snipers will have a harder time fighting in this area, as there are no long range vantage points, however, by standing in the alcover above the train track, or in the stair well, a sniper can get a good view of the area. the raised platform around the point allows for players to make use of the height advantage it gives (particularly for soldiers and demomen)

[*] [b]Deep inner base/final point:[/b]
a series of small rooms make up this area,with 3 access routes. i expect to see sentries going up in the computer aisles, or near the computer terminals. offensive spies will probably have a good time here.
snipers will unfortunately find little to do when attacking this point, and defensive snipers will similarly have a hard time being effective.pyros, heavys and medics will really shine on the attack, whilst spies, engineers and demomen will be very effective defenders.

[*] [b]Central Area:[/b]
all rooftops can be reached fairly easily by a scout with double jump to go from one to the other, whilst the side buildings will offer a good sniping/engie location. the point itself will also be a good sentry spot, but with the nearest metal in the side buildings, it means dispensers will usually go up 1st. Each team has 3 entrances to the main area - a side tunnel and the 2 train tunnels.

[*] [b]Alternative classes options:[/b]
all classes should have their day, here, though snipers become less effective the further away from the centre the fighting goes. so stick to your favorite, unless that is sniper, in which case, be prepared to change to a class that's better able to handle the more enclosed areas in the bases.
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