
Box art for CrapFishSticks For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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Newish mapper [b]Freak_Fish[/b] brings us his latest creation today: [b]CrapFishSticks[/b] is basicly a large square room with holodeck platforms that you have to jump across (or run across - they ain't that far apart) to get around. Even if you do fall off the platforms, however, a handy transporter beams you back up. There are no weapons, but an abundance of hyposprays for some reason. No bot support.

This is what the author wrote:
[quote]Ok, this is truely a crapmap. i built it in 5 minutes and to be honest, im not
proud of it. at the moment im quite annoyed with it but i will learn to love my
creation eventually. Primarily made for crap assimilation matches and various other
cheesy gametypes that simpletons enjoy with a hypospray =)[/quote]

This map is utterly appalling. Its useless, basicly. And since I doubt very much that online servers will run it, only download if you want a cheap laugh, and at the price of... well... free, this map is very cheap indeed.

~ Luke20 (The Tenth Doctor).
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