CTF 4 Towers

Box art for CTF 4 Towers For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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Borggamer has returned, and he has ot come empty handed! He has brought with him his latest map, which supports multiple game modes...FFA, TDM and CTF. CTF 4_Towers is great for those of you looking to have a [i]fragging good time[/i]! Be sure wear your running shoes when you enter this map, as there is not much around that can be used as cover....so there will be plenty of ducking and weaving as you attempt to dodge the enemy fire coming your way! There is indoor fun as well as outdoor fun to be had in this map, with a nice looking space background to enjoy.

CTF 4_Towers is a must have for any Elite Force gamer that enjoys constant action, as well as the need to blast anything that moves!

Refer to the readme for additional information.
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