CTF Basesiege

Box art for CTF Basesiege For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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Are you ooking for some Cature the Flag action, in a large map? then you are looking in the right place! [b]Arron_Dominion[/b] got bored, and for the [i]Elite Force[/i] community, this is a good thing...if you remember playing \'Monkey in the Middle\', once you join this map, you have a good chance of being the monkey; All of the action will take place at and near the center of basesiege, the opposing team will first storm the halfway point, and then move forward to take your lines.

Your task will be to repell them, and as the golden rule says: Do unto others as they will do unto you! \'Nuff said?

This map has the potential for some great skirmishes as well as some serious frag-fests as you do what needs to be done for you and your team to walk away with bragging rights!

Refer to the readme for more information.
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