ctf battletactic2

Box art for ctf battletactic2 For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
Size: 1.03 MB
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[b]Arron Dominion[/b] has returned with another Capture the Flag map in the [i]battletactic[/i] lineup, however, according to him, this [u]is not[/u] a version 2 of [url="http://eliteforce2.filefront.com/file/ctfbattletactic;74973"]ctf_battletactic[/url].

Keeping in the spirit of the name of this map, the original description description still applies:
[i]This is a reasonably small CTF map from Arron Dominion. Surprisingly this has great potential for its size, the main area consists of multiple places to hide with a bunker in the center. Arron Dominion wanted to have a map to train with group tactics. There are defenses as you probably will see soon.

Overall this is a good map and is well suited to its purpose, definitely worth a try.[/i]

[b]ctf_battletactic2[/b] deals more with a 'nature' theme, with lots of scenic views, and natural objects. To get the most out of this map, be sure to take advantage of what is available; For instance, there are trees that you can hide in, (or use to plan the perfect ambush!) and these same trees will have some goodies hidden throughout as well...if you're scared of heights, there are plenty of bushes closer to ground level that can be used to achieve the same results. The sniper in you will appreciate the building that is seperate...[i]hint hint[/i].

Refer to the readme for more information.
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