CTF Castlewar

Box art for CTF Castlewar For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
Size: 5.83 MB
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[b]Borggamer[/b] has released his newest version of his CastleWars map, and we have it available for you; Some changes have been made so that the playability of this map is increased, and improvements made.

The overall design of the map remains the same, as the name suggests, it still has the [i]castle[/i] feel to it, and the ropes are still there to allow for climbing the walls...you also still have the use of the 'buttons' so that you can hand out some [i]electro-shock therapy[/i] to some unsuspecting opponents.

The fun factor of this map remains high, so what are you waiting for...download and enjoy!

Refer to the readme for more information including installation instructions.
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