CTF CastlewarV2

Box art for CTF CastlewarV2 For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
Size: 5.81 MB
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A mid-size CTF map for around 8 player i'd guess.

The map itself has 2 "bases" that each have 2 high walls and a door (somewhat like a castle). The doors can only be opened from the inside and when you want to get back, you'll need to use the "rope" outside the wall. But BEWARE, for when you are on the inside you can use a button that will run a current trough the left or right section (depends which button you push) of the wall knocking player climbing the rope of. But thats not all, form the inside you can also trow some grenades to the outside of the wall to "finish off" what the electricity started ;)

On the downside however, the brushes are a bit simple and there aren't really much details execpt for some stairs and the textures are a bit plain.
Also the lighting in some area's is very dark so you cant see what you are doing. The "ropes" are also in these darker area's so you might have to try and feel around a bit before you can find them.

All in all a pretty nice map to play on.
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