CTF Orbital Station Gamma

Box art for CTF Orbital Station Gamma For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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[b]SpaZe[/b] has sent in another great map for the community to enjoy! Can you and your team capture all the flags with few to no casualties? (As spawning sends you back to your spawn point, and the challenge, for you, then becomes that you have to get back to the action before your teammates are overwelmed and defeated. You'll also need to grow eyes in the back of your head to be sure that nobody sneaks up behind you as you travel the corridors of the station, which is well made and fun to play!

Going back to the primary purpose of the UFP, which is research, Space stations were built and manned; In the year 2460, the Federation has two Spacestations built around the sun circle. The stations serve as observation stations. One analyzes the solar activities. The stations are in a Paralell orbit to the sun, therefore one can never see both at one time. You are, however, able to visit both stations with the use of the transporter.
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