CTF Sternentor

Box art for CTF Sternentor For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
Size: 3.06 MB
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[b]Sorbet[/b] (previously known as [i]SpaZe[/i]) has sent in his new map for you to enjoy, although this map can be enjoyed in the Capture the Flag gamemode, it is also playable in [i]Team Deathmatch[/i] and [i]Free For All[/i] modes...sort of triple the fun! The word "Sternentor" translates into 'Star Gates', so you can imagine what the main theme of this map will be...I think it will be fair to say that CTF_Sternentor will be popular with both the Elite Force crowd, as well as the Stargate fanatics!

This map is the [i]continuation[/i] of the map [url="http://eliteforce2.filefront.com/file/CTF_Planet_Travel;67975"]CTF Planet Travel[/url] that was released in August of last year. The textures have been redone, and the Stargates are still there, as well as the intense action!

This map is definitely worth the price of a [u]free[/u] download, whether the reasons are that you like these gamemodes, you like the fact that there are Stargates present...or you are a fan of Sorbet's work!

Refer to the readme for more information.
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