Box art for CTF SUBWAY STATION 4 For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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What is better then playing [i]\'CTF Subway Station v3\'[/i]? How about version4? Here we have the results of [b]SpaZe\'s[/b] hard work on this great map! The map itself hasn\'t been changed, but the colours have been sharpened a bit, and the style and textures have been revamped.

You still have the two stations and the trams that run between them, and this being a [i]Capture the Flag map[/i], the option for running into members of the other team is high while taking the flags, and the probability of getting caught in a frag-fest is always present! Don\'t forget to take advantage of the \'secret area\', where you will find some shield powerups, among other needed items.

Will you and your team walk away with bragging rights?

See the readme for details.
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