CTF Voy Astro

Box art for CTF Voy Astro For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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This is a second map from GreenKiller, similar to the stock holomatch map Delta Station, this is not a large or complicated map making it very easy to spot and pick off enemies from a distance (photon launcher). Also the clear view of all platforms means you can easily spot your flag when taken. There are three transporter pads on the main platform to the front of each flag base, each transporter leading to either the upper level of the base or one of the middle ground platforms, though to get off those pads you need to use the boosters/jump launchpads.

I like the booster/Jump launchpads, which boost you from platform to platform making movement hectic and its fun catching an enemy in mid flight while boosting. As for the weapons, you can only reach the regen with a booster/jump pad and on top of each base is the Dreadnought Weapon. The map is designed for fast paced smash and grab, so you need to be a quick mover. Suggest playing with 10 people to maximize the chaoticness of the gameplay.

Overall a pretty decent map.
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