CTF Weltraum

Box art for CTF Weltraum For: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
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We have a first time mapper in our midsts today...make welcome GreenKiller! he brings with him a Multi-gammode map that will keep you on your toes; This map is this developer's first and it consists of 12 platforms. The bases consists of three platforms, in the middle of the map are four, Two of them are little houses for snipers and on the sides are two more platforms.

Once inside, CTF_Weltraum (which by the way, means [i]'space'[/i]) will yield several weapons to make your objective, which is to win, a little easier! these weapons are the IMOD, Tetryon Pulse Disruptor and the Quantum Burst and there are four big hypos. The potential for some serious action is high , all thats needed is you and three to five friends! there is no bot support contained in this download at this time, and is mainly intended for the CTF gammemode, but will also support Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch.

Refer to the readme for more information.
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