Daeth Caedus Skinpack V2

Box art for Daeth Caedus Skinpack V2 For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Would I get lynched if I were to say I prefer Star Trek over Star Wars? :p

Right, so, quickly moving on before I have projectiles or vegetables thrown at me, we have here an update to the [file="105243"]Darth Caedus Skinpack[/file]. For those who have no idea who this guy is, he's Han & Leia's son, who at some point turned evil. Meaning this guy.

Right, so, what does this update bring us?
[quote]Now in the new version are updated shaders, NPC support and Team skins as per requested.
Again I have tweaked the faces and added a Darth Vader like collar to one of the new heads plus
some small changes to clothes.[/quote]

NPC support & updated shaders are always a plus, 'course. Along with that, there's also...

[b]Team skins[/b]
Now, these are really, really subtle. I mean, to the point where, honestly, I wouldn't mind some more work done on it, even if just slight recolouring. Here's the deal, y'see - In the red Darth Caedus skin, he has more of a collar around his neck. In the blue version, his face is clean (unlike the dirtier default one). While, yes, that does mean it's different team skins, honestly, I'd just love to see more than just that. I'd also like to see team skins for Jacen Solo.

Since the last version, small changes to the clothes have been made & the faces have been tweaked. Unrelated note: I just spelled "faces" as "feces". Freudian typo much?
...Anyway, always a bonus of course.

Honestly, despite my criticism on the team skins, I don't think the screenshots quite do this thing justice. While obviously not perfect, I have to admit, I rather liked both of these, especially Darth Caedus. They're honestly worth a look.

[b]Bot Support:[/b] Yup
[b]NPC Support:[/b] Yup
[b]New Sounds:[/b] Nope
[b]Team Support:[/b] Yup (see my comments)


Subliminal message: Star Trek > Star Wars
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