DDay: Judgement

Box art for DDay: Judgement For: Warcraft 3
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It's been a long time since we've seen any updates to this map, and if you had counted the talent of the DDay Team out...you would have been wrong; They have returned to improve your [i]WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne[/i] gaming experience!

DDay: Judgement is a multiplayer map, although it can be played for testing purposes in single player, it is designed as a team vs team game. Here we have what a good many of you have been waiting for, some more spectacular enhancements to DDay! Once again, this map has been improved, and by far, the best and most uptodate version is right here!

[b]Some enhancements to look forward to include:[/b]
Changed Loading screen
Changed Black Guardian to Fire Guardian
Changed Power Guardian to Water Guardian
Changed item - Janggo of Endurance
Increased armor, price, food cost of Red Dragon
Increased Captain America's range 150 -> 200
Increased Critical Hit cooldown from 9 seconds to 12 seconds
New icon - Duke
New icon - Medic
New model - Duke
New model - Medic
New title - Duke
Orcki - ulti improved
Reanimated item - Divine shied (Angel)
Rebalanced spell - Stealth passive
Changed item - Warsong Battle Drum
Changed item - Legion Doom-Horn and renamed to Acient Bone Chimes
And more!
[b]Some new additions included in this version are:[/b]
Added new hero - El Trueno (Raiden Cadet)
Added new hero - Tristania (One with Sadness)
Added new item - Robe of mages
Added new spell - Advantage of the horse (Lord Garithos)
Added new spell - Horse upgrade (Lord Garithos)
Added animation effects to Atila and Zalmoxes
Added new sound sets for some heroes
Added hero's main atribute to hero's description
Added new Combination item - Doom Horn
Added new Combination item - Horn of Cenarius
And a whole lot more...
[b]There have also been some fixes made:[/b]
Fixed Angeline's spells positions
Fixed item - Making Combo doesnt require invertar space anymore
Fixed spell - Bazooka
Fixed spell - Critical hit bug vs rtn dmg
Fixed spell - Deatly insects dps (Drendrodeath)
Fixed spell - Endless Time of Recovery bug
Fixed Withdraw
Fixed Fireline (Warmaster)
Fixed some descriptions
And more...

Refer to the readme for a whole plethora of information.
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