DDay: Judgement

Box art for DDay: Judgement For: Warcraft 3
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It's been a long time since we've seen any updates to this map, the last one to be offered was Dh- Neo's [file="72479"]DDay: Judgement (v19.9b)[/file]; It would appear that there is now a new team that has picked up the torch to improve your WarCraft III gaming experience! Introducing the talent from the Ddayteam!

DDay: Judgement is a multiplayer map, although it can be played for testing purposes in single player, it is designed as a team vs team game. Here we have what a good many of you have been waiting for, some more spectacular enhancements to DDay! Once again, this map has been improved, and by far, the best version is right here!

[b]Some enhancements to look forward to include:[/b]
Game balance is improved
New items
Improved Sacrifice (Angel)
Improved Volcanic Shard(Blazefury) damage formula
Improved Voodoo Sheild (shadow hunter)
New spells added
And more
[b]Some new additions included in this version are:[/b]
Added GGC logo on loading screen
Added new item Enflaming Decapitator
Added new item Mark of ultimate Warrior
Added new item Vampiric Potion
Added new item Wirt's other leg
Added new spell Blood of fallen Commandante (Orcki)
Added new spell Deathly Insects (Dendrodeath)
Added new spell Endless time recovery(Garan)
Added new spell Flesheaters Attack (Murloc)
Added new spell Gods Lance (Warmaster)
And a whole lot more...
[b]There have also been some fixes made:[/b]
Fixed Demonic Impale Lenght problem
Fixed Disease Aura Bug
Fixed Sniper corpse problem
Fixed Strenght of Justice bug
Fixed Bloody hit missle speed
Fixed CL tome of retraining bug
And more...

With new developers, come fresh new ideas, this can never be a bad thing, all the luck with the new crew!

Refer to the readme for a whole plethora of information.
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