Deep in the Forest

Box art for Deep in the Forest For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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This map, or map pair as I should say (day and night versions), features a forest-themed map. It has a lot of tree models, so beware if you have a less powerful rig. The map itself seems designed primarily for gun play, sporting several gun pickups, plenty of health pickups, and a few extra things here and there. They can be found within the few huts found within the map, seemingly abandoned (and rather poorly furnished, if I do say so myself).

The abundance of trees really give it an interesting atmosphere, though I must admit the textures on the huts really contrast poorly against the stock textures. Especially the hay-ish roof texture. It's far too large, and doesn't really fit the map at all. Where are you going to get hay in a jungle/forest anyway? I also thought the lighting could've been a little more drastic. With all the foliage, there should have been some more shadowing on the ground. I also feel the need to say that's a [i]really[/i] young tree stump to be so large... but laying science aside... :p

The one "secret" in this map, as far as I can tell, isn't really a secret at all, in the conventional sense. Even so, I didn't include screenshots of it, to appease the manic secret-searching sect. I'll tell you, though, that if you can't find it, you may want to put your glasses on. When [i]I[/i] can find secrets, you know they're too obvious!

[b]Bot Support[/b]: Yes
[b]New Models[/b]: No
[b]New Textures[/b]: Yes
[b]New Music[/b]: No

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