Defence of The Force

Box art for Defence of The Force For: Warcraft 3
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-Fixed Beastmaster\'s ulti bug.
-Fixed Pudge\'s Meat Hook bug.
-Fixed Death Prophet\'s Force Back rare bug.
-Decrease the movement slow rate of the Frost Arrow of Naga Sea Witch, but increase its damage.
-Decrease the duration of the Naga Sea Witch\'s Ulti.
-Increase the amount of Shadow Hunter\'s Serpent Ward.
-Tornado and Boss cannot be hooked by Meat Hook anymore.
-Change the minimum movespeed of the game to 100.
-Change the Neutral Creep(doom guard) become Enraged Jungle Stalker.
-Change Wand of Shadowsight from rechargable become 2 charges.
-Fountain have damage now.
-Correct all Heroes\' descriptions and hotkeys.
-Once time only spawns a Boss.
-4 new item added.

Current mode can be used:
-id (itemdrop)
-ms (movement speed)
-ma (the information of the enemies\' heroes)
-cl (more changelog details)
-pas (the information of deny ally)
-wm (weather mode)(recommended used by player one only).

*More player more fun, let try it.
Credit has to be given to me.
Any suggestions or comments pls send to [email protected]
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