Desolated Demo

Box art for Desolated Demo For: Doom 3
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It's time to submit your bandwidth for this impressive download! DaveTheFreak is here and he has brought along this sweet demo version of [i]Desolated: The Crying Fate[/i]; Although this bundle of Doom III goodness weighs in at 200+ megs, it is well worth every second you will wait for it to complete it's transfer!

Although Desolated Demo is a demo, it comes packing with one complete map and two parts of 'catacombs' and 'painfull_death'. Also included is bloom, parallax mapping the money system, a new monster, the firegun and more. This download will keep you busy (and out of trouble :D ) for about an hour...long enough for you to want more!
[b]Some of the features of this download include:[/b]
You can find money everywhere, it's a new item, so watch out! To look for money is very
important especially in the higher difficulty.
With the money you collected you can buy:
New weapons
Make sure, that you don't just save money for a new weapon, without ammo you won't make it through the mod. Later there will be a weapon with infinite ammo for the last maps, but that is not included yet.
Weapons are mainly the same as in the original, only the behavior is changed same as the skins and some sounds (pistol, machinegun, shotgun). There's a new weapon, the firegun which is replacing the plasmagun. When buying weapons make sure you don't buy a weapon you currently already have!
In the demo is one new enemy called "Skull" replacing the old Lost Soul. Otherwise there
are just basic enemies from the main game having a new skin.
There are not much health kids anymore, 'cause you can buy them. After the level "desolated_village1" the player learned how to heal himself, so his health will be increase frequently (in the demo since the map "desolated_catacombs"). But in this mode there's no armor anymore, if you pick up an armor item, the armor will be reduced every second.
And More!!
Downloading and playing Desolated Demo will not only quench that unforgiving thirst for Doom III action, but, it will also prepare you for what is to come...and if the finished product is anything like this, I, for one will be pacing the floor until it's release! Bring it on! Until then though, enjoy what [u]is[/u] available and start your download now!

If you are running your copy of [b][i]Doom III[/b] patched to v1.3.1[/i], before you play this demo, you will also need to download and install the [file="96934"]Desolated Demo Patch to 1.3.1 (v 0.86)[/file] file.

Refer to the readme for more information.
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