Description DM-Silo puts the player in a three-leveled silo. The top most level has a walkway leading inwards that has a center of good weapons and power-ups. The middle level is circular, and on the outside of the perimeter, one can find power-ups and weapons there as well. The bottom most does the same, except there one can survey a majority of the map to find where the fighting is.
There are many hiding spots here. The map feels like it is in a silo: everything is of a dark color. The map is made out of metal and concrete to give an extra impression of a silo. On a side note, this map was designed and modeled by the 3d Buzz tutorial that the game came with. Saying that, it is basic, but it serves its purpose as a fun, functional map.
Don't get trapped reading this description, get trapped in DM-Silo!