Dm WY Complex

Box art for Dm WY Complex For: Aliens vs Predator 2
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map name: dm_WY_complex.
Here is my 4th map, basically it' a remake of my very first try to make a map on dedit. This time, the action takes place into a Weyland Yutani complex.Preds players won't love the map, they will start in a trapped spawnpoint. Why? Because the map is designed for aliens vs human games. This is mostly a luminous map even if there are some dark areas such as corridors or apc garage. As usual a spreaded vents system allows alien (or humans) to set ambush or travel faster than the easier path. Campers will not like the map too. There are always at least 2 ways to reach an area, some are unexpected ;).
I suggest a small amount of players (max 6-8). All standard game modes are supported (DM,TDM,Hunt and survivor).
Pickups are available for marines / corporates.
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