DoTA Allstars

Box art for DoTA Allstars For: Warcraft 3
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Version 6.43 was up and replaced with the current version, v6.43b; Most of the changes have been applied to v6.43, with v6.43b containing a couple fixes.

Here we have the latest and greatest release for all of the DoTA fans! Once again, improvements have been made to the incredibly popular 'DoTA Allstars' map, and we have it here, available to you! This version comes complete with a serious optimization and some bug fixes.

DotA stands for [b]“Defense of the Ancients”[/b], it's a free mod for [i]Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne[/i]. The purpose of the game is to defend your Ancient and try to destroy the opponents Ancient. The ancients are located deep in both bases, which are located at the top right and bottom left corners of the map. There are over 70 heroes that differ greatly in play style. Each of these heroes have been carefully designed so they are both balanced and unique.

This map is updated frequently, sometimes to add new heroes, fix bugs or to make a balance update. The strategies possible with DotA are pretty much endless, choosing the wrong item and hero combination can mean the difference between a win and a loss for your team. The gameplay in DotA Allstars can be classified as relatively fast because as the game progresses any small mistake you make can be fatal to the overall team.

[b]Some changes made to this version include:[/b]
Death Board is on by default now (-don)
Reduced Avernus' movement speed by 5
Changed Meepo Attribute Bonus from 40% to 25%
Items with armor bonuses no longer stack (Vladmir/Basilius/Assault)
Added Bottle to the new secret shop
Undid some of the Toughness Aura buff from last version
[b]Some of the fixes in this version include:[/b]
Fixed some big performance problems lower end machines were having
Fixed some rare bugs that caused heroes to not revive
Fixed various typos
Fixed Ring of Basilius ability from working on CotS and Essence Aura
Fixed a bug with chicken that lets you sell unsellable items
Fixed Throne not providing the lifesteal capability that World Tree does
Fixed Cheese to heal the proper amount
Fixed the creep spawn sound from happening too early in -mm
Fixed the multiple hero exploit
Fixed a bug with Satanic that was giving it extra life steal
Fixed some bugs with Mekansm, Morphling Stat Change and Hand of God that caused the death timer to not properly show

Refer to the readme for the complete changelog.
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