Dueling FFA Map

Box art for Dueling FFA Map For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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This version of Demon_of_Razgriz\'s dueling map is a notable update from his [url=http://starwarsbattlefront.filefront.com/file/Dueling_FFA_Map;117546]first version[/url]. In addition to changing the overall visual appearance of the map, there have been a few new structures added as well as some changed units.

Functionally, the map is very similar. The overall layout of the first map is preserved - for better or worse - in that it is still pretty much an open plain with a few Tatooine hangars scattered around. There has also been some terrain modification and some added Tatooine buildings in the distance, but these are relatively far-removed from the area in which play will occur.

There are two new units added to the \"Villains\" side, neither of which is, in my opinion, a great addition. One is an unlocalized version of Boba Fett with lightsabers that can\'t block and a modified MagnaGuard RLR (and its jetpack is gone!). The other is an incredibly over-powered sniper unit, with a gun that has effectively unlimited ammo and fire rate. It really throws the unit balance out-of-whack.

As mentioned above, the visuals have been somewhat changed - you can see in the pictures below the new sky and terrain textures.

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