Duke Nukem Map

Box art for Duke Nukem Map For: Star Trek: Armada 2
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It is what it is. A giant \'radioactive\' symbol in space a la Duke Nukem 3D, around which four can battle. Also includes some music from Duke Nukem.

From Trevor Pilkington:

[quote]Yes I gone back to 4 player map for this 1. This map had the logo from Duke Nukem in the middle of it well the map is the logo 3 players start off in side the logo while another is on the out side. The ones on the outside have to find a way in. While if you’re in the middle there no way out unless you’re the Borg and have free tact to build a transwarp gate. However the Borg shipyard cant not be build in the middle because there two big how ever if you’re the Borg on the outside there is room and if your not the Borg there a Working Borg Starbase on the other side of the map for you to take.

Sorry about my spellings

Get it if you want it.

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