Emperor Jackals Civilization

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I once had the idea to make a civilization-type map on Warcraft III. I had it planned so that cities would be effectively demi-heroes, with population represented in level. Culture, production and health would be represented through the default Strength, Agility and Intelligence.

Everything, from units to buildings would be 'produced' in the city. The problem I found was that it wouldn't work well in an RTS like Warcraft III because you'd have to micromanage the production of cities constantly. So I settled for something much different so the gameplay would not be crippled.

Instead, workers build buildings rather than cities although they still have their function of harnessing resources. Technology is researched in buildable buildings like in Civilization Wars and the techs are listed in tiers for easier use and management.

Key Features

- Stability System
- More realistic income system
- Ingame a trigger detects and boots Nerzhulen if he even tries to play the game.
- A choice of 53 civilizations across 12 players.
- Ability to research your way from the dawn of Civilization to the Modern Era.


Production still exists, albeit in a very different form. Military buildings (barracks, shipyards, airfields) take up 1 production (food). All players start off with one food (which is taken by the starting barracks) and can get more by researching certain techs such as pottery and building certain buildings such as forges. There is a limit to production, so this forces players to prioritize, as units aren't instantly created when ordered.


Income is more complex than normal. You get 100 gold income by default and on top of that you get 'city' income. This income is as follows:
Village - 15 gold
Large Village - 20 gold
Town - 25 gold
Large Town - 30 gold
City - 35 gold
Large City - 40 gold

All of these properties cost 80 gold to upgrade and all require a certain technology to upgrade (e.g. in order to upgrade a village into a large village you need Agriculture, and to upgrade a city into a large city you need electricity).

More significantly however you are penalized by how many 'properties'. The formula is (DefaultCityIncome - ( NumberOfProperties ^ 2 ). This means if you have 20 villages that would give you 300 gold 'default' income, you'd actually receive -100 gold. This encourages upgrading your current cities over expanding amount of cities, by simulating inefficient governance in large empires. This effect is halved when you've researched Economics and is quartered if you adopt Communism.

In addition to this, newly conquered 'properties' do not give you income for 5 minutes after being conquered. In fact they actually serve as a drain on your budget. The newly conquered 'properties' cost you 15 gold.

Geographics and Civs

All players are allocated a rough geographical area for themselves, but otherwise they can choose their civilization which gets it's own starting point. Africa, Middle East, North, Central and South America are fairly self-explanatory. West Europe is the parts of Europe west of Germany. North Europe consists of the British Isles and Scandinavia. Central Europe consists of Germany, the Balkans, the Baltic and Poland. West Asia is geographically the Russian Empire area (excluding Siberia). South Asia is the Indian sub-continent, Eastern Asia is basically everything north of Indo-China. Oceania is Oceania IRL with the addition of Indonesia's area.

Also, everyone starts off allied (but without shared vision). You declare war when you see it suitable.


Some resources are required for paticular units (for example swordsmen require iron), and some add to your income.

In order to gain access to resources you must build an improvement on them. The following improvements can be built on the following resources:
Mine - Copper, Iron.
Oil Well - Oil.
Camp - Ivory.
Pasture - Horses, Sheep.
Plantation - Sugar, Spices.

Improvements must be built within 1280 range of a building you own.

Current list of civilizations listed below. Feel free to suggest some new civilizations (in particular South & Central America where the numbers are a little short).

Northern Europe

Favourite Technology: Archery
Favourite Era: Industrial

Favourite Technology: Agriculture
Favourite Era: Medieval

Favourite Technology: Bronze Working
Favourite Era: Classical

Favourite Technology: Rifling
Favourite Era: Renaissance

Viking Empire
Favourite Technology: Sailing
Favourite Era: Medieval

Western Europe

Celtic Tribes
Favourite Technology: Pottery
Favourite Era: Classical

Favourite Technology: Rifling
Favourite Era: Renaissance

Favourite Technology: Optics
Favourite Era: Renaissance

Favourite Technology: Wheel
Favourite Era: Classical

Favourite Technology: Astronomy
Favourite Era: Renaissance

Central Europe

Favourite Technology: Writing
Favourite Era: Medieval

Favourite Technology: Guilds
Favourite Era: Medieval

Favourite Technology: Printing Press
Favourite Era: Industrial

Favourite Technology: Construction
Favourite Era: Classical

Favourite Technology: Education
Favourite Era: Medieval

Favourite Technology: Agriculture
Favourite Era: Medieval

West Asia

Kazakh Khanate
Favourite Technology: Bronze Working
Favourite Era: Medieval

Samanid Empire
Favourite Technology: Calender
Favourite Era: Medieval

Favourite Technology: Horseback Riding
Favourite Era: Classical

Soviet Union
Favourite Technology: Communism
Favourite Era: Modern

Tsarist Russia
Favourite Technology: Nationalism
Favourite Era: Renaissance

Middle East

Favourite Technology: Construction
Favourite Era: Medieval

Favourite Technology: Iron Working
Favourite Era: Ancient

Favourite Technology: Flight
Favourite Era: Modern

Favourite Technology: Sailing
Favourite Era: Classical

Favourite Technology: Gunpowder
Favourite Era: Medieval


Favourite Technology: Bronze Working
Favourite Era: Classical

Favourite Technology: Agriculture
Favourite Era: Ancient

Favourite Technology: Pottery
Favourite Era: Classical

Favourite Technology: Hunting
Favourite Era: Classical

South Asia

Indus Valley Civilization
Favourite Technology: Bronze Working
Favourite Era: Ancient

Maratha Empire
Favourite Technology: Military Tradition
Favourite Era: Renaissance

Mughal Empire
Favourite Technology: Construction
Favourite Era: Medieval

Vanga Kingdom
Favourite Technology: Sailing
Favourite Era: Ancient

Eastern Asia

Favourite Technology: Gunpowder
Favourite Era: Modern

Favourite Technology: Assembly Line
Favourite Era: Modern

Favourite Technology: Horseback Riding
Favourite Era: Medieval

Favourite Technology: Pottery
Favourite Era: Classical


Aboriginal Tribes
Favourite Technology: Hunting
Favourite Era: Ancient

Favourite Technology: Animal Husbandry
Favourite Era: Modern

Favourite Technology: Optics
Favourite Era: Classical

Favourite Technology: Construction
Favourite Era: Classical

North America

Cherokee Nation
Favourite Technology: Civil Service
Favourite Era: Medieval

English Canada
Favourite Technology: Economics
Favourite Era: Industrial

French Canada
Favourite Technology: Hunting
Favourite Era: Renaissance

Sioux Dakota
Favourite Technology: Archery
Favourite Era: Classical

United States of America
Favourite Technology: Democracy
Favourite Era: Modern

Central America

Aztec Empire
Favourite Technology: Agriculture
Favourite Era: Classical

Favourite Technology: Hunting
Favourite Era: Ancient

Mayan Empire
Favourite Technology: Calender
Favourite Era: Classical

South America

Inca Civilization
Favourite Technology: Bronze Working
Favourite Era: Classical

Muisca Confederation
Favourite Technology: Metal Casting
Favourite Era: Classical

Valdivia Civilization
Favourite Technology: Sailing
Favourite Era: Ancient

I've been considering putting a Stability system in the game. This would add realism in the sense that huge empires do always not permanently stay huge for thousands of years. Here is a rough idea of the formulae:

900 + (kills - losses) + ( (Production - Average Player Production) x 100) + State Control) - (if still absolute monarchy while 50% of players are not -150) - (No. of cities with foreign nationalities x 7†) + (If Democracy +150)

State Control
0 + (If fascist/communist + 150) + (No. of Units *2) - (No. of Properties * 7)

†Foreign nationalities effect comes into effect only after 50%+ of players have researched nationalism.

I've used Tsarist Russia at the start of 1917 as a base for making the formulae more accurate.

Any country with less than 500 stability would risk a large revolution and/or civil war.

Any country with a negative State Control would experience bandits/barbarians running amok inside it's territory.

Not all races and cities have nationalities, but all of those in Europe, Asia and Oceania do. The majority of Civs get their own nationality:
English - England, English Canada.
French - France, French Canada.
Scandinavian - Viking Empire.
Swedish - Sweden.
Spanish - Spain.
Portugese - Portugal.
Italian - Rome.
Polish - Poland.
German - Germany.
Greek - Greece.
Byzantine - Byzantine.
Lithuanian - Lithuania.
Russian - Tsarist Russia, Soviet Union.
Tartar - Scythia.
Arab - Assyria, Arabia, Egypt.
Kazakh - Khazakh Khanate.
Muslim Indian - Mughal Empire, Indus Valley Civilization.
Hindi Indian - Maratha Empire.
Bengali - Vangal Kingdom.
Chinese - China.
Mongol - Mongolia.
Malay - Srivijaya.
Javanese - Java.
Aborigine - Aboriginal Tribes.
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