Ex Traxx Mod

Box art for Ex Traxx Mod For: Battle for Middle Earth 2
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Well this is for version 1.05 so its ok! And one more note, Ex Traxx sent it in in German so it was difficult trying to translate but here is what i i got from it:

Info.: The Mod is based on the Patch 1.05. Fortress costs 10000 All players begin with 10000. The AI Rush in most cases immediately. The AI builds fast Upgrades (building and units). The AI attacks in large groups. The AI uses many heroes and the perminenent charm fast. Main charms are likewise faster used. Fortress Upgrades of the AI, also without that to be only attacked must, the mines etc. As built as in the normal play to bring however 50 instead of 25 gold . Each player begins with 500 CP.

Greeting ExTraxx

Can anyone correct me on my german?
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