
Box art for Expedition For: Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
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So, I finally got to test Expedition...the possible final version, no less.

1.04's additions seemed rather minimal in the list Acrobat supplied to us:

[quote]I added the following in this version:
1) council room
2) an open area outside the bar area
3) changed textures and shaders
4) reorganized map a bit

And even then, this map is quite the titan. The puzzles echo greatly of my adventures with Kreedz Climbing Mod on Half Life 2, cep'n we ain' got no grapple. There's literally gobs of areas to explore, puzzles to solve, challenges to overcome. You really can't get much more entertainment than this when it comes to maps >_>

Much like Dretzel, I was forced for the sake of time to simply noclip throughout to get a good view of the map in its entirety. Suffice to say, it lives up to its namesake. If you have a few hours to piss away, then I'd surely recommend taking the Expedition across this map!

I believe I found the new council room nested high above a cliff somewhere. Looked pretty nice and pleasant to congregate in. Chairs looked stiff to sit in though D:

[b]A few quick technical notes, mostly to the players:

1.)As Acrobat suggests in the readme: Com_HunkMegs 128. Set it, even if you think you don't need to. Less hassle.

2.) This map possesses some sort of shader related issue. If you change your skins too many times, you may not be able to see the skins properly. Be forewarned.[/b]

Other than that, this map's definitely good solid fun. Explore with yer friendses, or screw 'em and take the prize yourself! Either way, a worthy prize to any JK2 player's collection. Or, if you have the JK2 textures, JK3. Either way, just get it and get off mah back =_=

New Textures: Aye
New Music: Aye
Secrets to plunder: Aye
Bot Support: Aye

- Averus Retruthan
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