Felucia: Imperial Settlement

Box art for Felucia: Imperial Settlement For: Star Wars: Battlefront II
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Each of the following six files has been made by the same author over the course of a very short time; to commemorate the prolific production of one author in such a short time I will write a short essay in six parts: "Caring for your work" or "why it's important that you spend more than an hour or two making a map or mod you plan on distributing."

Part 6:
It should be noted, author, should you find the tenacity to read through all the potentially helpful advice given here, that none of this is meant as an attack upon your person or your potential - although it is admittedly frustrating to find six maps in our queue in a matter of days upon which the author has clearly spent little work. All of this is written in the hopes that maybe some of it will sink in and you'll be willing to spend more time making a good map. I know that I - and most others - would immensely prefer one good map to twelve, or fifteen, or however many maps that can be churned out without pretense of polish. And to anyone else - heed this advice! At the end of the day, even if you really have your heart set on making a lot of stuff - know that it has to feel like you spent some time on it, otherwise it will be discarded as quickly as you took the time to make it.

"Felucia: Imperial Settlement," by cyclonassasin, is a simple map set on Felucia. ...that still has a Yavin sky. It's not bad, but it is mostly clumps of Felucia props scattered around a flat-ish area with four CPs. It doesn't look too bad, but I am having a hard time telling if that is not just the overabundance of Felucia objects.

What could be done to improve it? Here are a few tips:

-The sky. Yes I will say this for every one of your files. You are not on Yavin, this sky does not fit, and you don't have any surrounding anything to block out that ugly black cutoff in the sky texture. Change it.

-Branch away from stock planets. It's easy to make a map that looks like Endor, or Felucia, or Kashyyyk, or whatever - because we already have assets premade for us to make our planets look just like those. Try something original and make your planet with whatever assets, but don't make it scream "I am using stock assets!"

-Terrain texture overlap. While it's good to vary the texture, don't do too many at once. You can see why in one of the screenshots - when you overlap more than two textures at once, the edges of your texture will become sharp and unblended.

If the screenshots appeal to you, go ahead and give it a try.

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