Football Skins - Belgium France England

Box art for Football Skins - Belgium France England For: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
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Oh boy, if there ever were a time when it'd be far too easy to fill a review with snarky political satire, this would be it. Better move swiftly on then.

Okay, to summarize Kyle Katarn is playing dress-up, sporting the football kits of Beckham, Zidane and Sonck, three of the most egostistical 'individuals' in football. Suppose that makes them all the more gratifying to beat up. Those who are familiar with European football kits will know what to expect - a red and white kit, a red white and blue kit, and a red black and orange kit. Pretty recognisable as they correspond to the appropriate nation's flag.

There's no way to dress this fact up, so I'll just come out with it. Texture quality is mediocre. For the most part flat colors have been pasted on, with detail work done on top. Said detail work doesn't really help, though, as it's mostly blurred out at worst, and fuzzy at best. With that said, it's not that this is bad implementation, simply that it hasn't been refined to preserve all the detail work. I'm of the opinion that taking the extra time to enhance and preserve the details would have been worthwhile.

There's two other issues to mention, first of which being the usage of the Kyle model. All of Kyle's leftover bits are still attached here. Again my opinion is that the Jedi model would've been a better choice, as it has no overlaid mesh components. Second issue is that the taunts have been changed to poor-quality fifty second recordings of the team's national anthems. Not only can a player re-taunt after five seconds, thus infinitely chaining these sounds, but since the recordings are low-quality, loud and unmastered, it'd be pretty easy to give another player a stinging headache by doing this (that's actually a common tactic on Counter-Strike). My advice to downloaders? Open up the pk3 and take out the taunt sounds.

Overall it's a nice effort, but it still needs a bit more time and work put into it. Don't forget, Dog is in the detail!


[b]Custom Audio:[/b] Taunt sounds...
[b]Bot Support:[/b] Nein
[b]NPC Support:[/b] Нет
[b]Team Colours:[/b] ไม่
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